Literary Social Networking Poll and Contest

By Jason Boog 

gre_logo.gifAs literary bloggers ponder social networking sites, Booksquare has launched a more comprehensive poll to study how readers use social networking sites.
Participating writers will be entered in a drawing for a free pass to the upcoming O’Reilly Media Tools of Change Conference.

Here’s the story: “In exchange for your time and insight, we’ll enter you in the drawing for our coveted conference pass, deadline for entry January 22, 2009. If you’d prefer to just offer up wisdom (or maybe can’t be in New York that week), that’s fine, too.”

On a related note, with nearly 600 votes, the Social Networking for Readers poll at Dear Author has evolved. Currently, GoodReads is preferred by 44 percent of the readers, Library Thing by 23 percent, and Shelfari by 16 percent of readers. Out of all those readers, 31 percent don’t use social networking sites for books.