Lit Agent, Dr. Uwe Stender Wants a “Bestseller”

By Jeff Rivera 

President of TriadaUS Literary Agency and agent, Dr. Uwe Stender thinks that change is an opportunity for writers and publishers. In this interview, he explains why digital publishing is exciting, the best way to contact an agent, and what most agents are looking for from a writer.

Uwe, what is your job title and what is the best thing that you have to offer your clients?

President of TriadaUS Literary Agency and Agent. I have to let others judge that.

If a new writer is trying to get in touch with you, how should they go about it?
Email me. Pet peeves: The initial contact should be email and not a phone call from a total stranger.

Are you excited about the changes that new technologies are bringing to the publishing industry?

It is exciting. Change is exciting. Again, I believe that opportunities grow out of change. But books, physical books will still be THE backbone of the industry in the foreseeable future…but the I-Pad, for instance, seems to be a very cool device which may open doors to a different kind of content. And there could be some cool book apps in the future that bring a new readership base to certain projects.

Not everyone is as excited about digital publishing, though. Do you think this could pose some challenges to new writers? What should they do to meet these challenges?

Work even harder than before is my answer to both questions. There is always an opportunity in good or bad times.

What would you like to see come across your desk more often?
Editors are always looking for well written and exciting projects, as am I. I have not represented a New York Times top twenty bestseller yet, I would like one of those (LOL!)

Finally, can you tell us something that most people wouldn’t expect about you?

I am the world’s biggest Brian Wilson fan.