Like Mama Mia!, Except with Yuppies and Chainsaws

By Jason Boog 

psycho_book.jpgYou’ve come a long way, baby. Bret Easton Ellis’ controversial novel American Psycho–once banned and restricted by shocked readers around the world–is headed to Broadway.

Variety reports that the Johnson-Roessler production company will produce a musical version of Ellis’ 1991 tale of a serial killing stockbroker (or, at least, a stockbroker with a very, very vivid imagination).

The producers pointed out that the novel was driven by a pop music soundtrack, hinting at the show’s 80s-tinged inspiration. Even better, they hope to feed on the financial industry frustrations: “Now in particular it seems relevant, especially given what’s happening on Wall Street,” David Johnson told the paper. (Via Fimoculous)