Laura Bush Memoir Leaked: Literary Twitter-Sphere Responds

By Jason Boog 

9781439155202.jpgToday the NY Times broke a Scribner embargo and published excerpts from Laura Bush’s new memoir, Spoken from the Heart. You can read the article here.

We were more interested in the literary Twitter-sphere’s response to the leak. Washington Post Book World fiction editor Ron Charles tweeted: “‘Embargo’ is just what we call unspoken agreement between publishers & NYT to let the Times have exclusive coverage for few days.”

Publishers Weekly tweeted: “2 calls in past hour looking for Laura Bush memoir but only if we can sell it NOW. Every reporter in NYC is frantic it seems!”

Finally, Yahoo! News media writer Michael Calderone linked to an article about Laura’s husband’s memoir, writing: “What do ex-Bush staffers hope to see in Bush’s book, and can it help his legacy?”