Late Morning Odds and Ends

By Neal 

  • Seattle Times reporter Florangela Davila discovers the manga fans flocking to Kinokuniya, a chain of Japanese bookstores where many Americans have been picking up both translated and untranslated comic books. (There’s one here in New York, too, on W. 49th.)
  • Can two book critics share a house without driving each other crazy? WaPo couple Marie Arana and Jonathan Yardley have Odd Couple moments over their library. “She flings her books onto the shelves in her office with, as football coaches like to say, reckless abandon,” while he keeps “nonfiction upstairs, fiction downstairs, and, in his office…biographies are arranged alphabetically by subject, and the rest is organized by category: history, lit crit, sports, travel…”
  • Jumping the gun on National Poetry Month, the Poetry Foundation has started a blog, excuse me, a “journal.” This week’s guest writer: FSG chief Jonathan Galassi. So far, he’s doing fine, but this idea of putting all but the first paragraph of each post behind a “read more” tag is totally not working for me; I’ve always been of the opinion that I don’t go to blogs to click, but to read.