Kurt Vonnegut Grids, Richelle Mead Hints & AOL Cuts: Week’s Top 10 Publishing Headlines

By Jason Boog 

For your weekend reading pleasure, we’ve collected the ten most popular publishing stories of the week–ranging from George R. R. Martin interviews to Vampire Academy intelligence to a re-shelving app for librarians (video embedded above).

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1. Kurt Vonnegut Story Grids for Writing & Editing
2. Richelle Mead Reveals Vampire Academy Spin-Off Details
3. AOL Cuts Freelance Writers Over Email
4. Amazon Teamed Up with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Amanda Hocking Bid
5. Book Deal Envy
6. Billy Joel Memoir Scrapped
7. George R. R. Martin Profiled in New Yorker
8. New York Public Library to Host All-Night Scavenger Hunt
9. 5 Ways YA Authors Can Use WeeWorld
10. Augmented Reality App Helps Librarians Spot Misshelved Books