Job Search Tips for Publishing Professionals

By Maryann Yin 

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At’s annual Career Circus in New York City yesterday, a number of expert speakers shared job search advice. Here are two tips each from some of yesterday’s speakers which should be particularly helpful to those navigating the publishing job market.

Sharon Jautz, Director of Human Resources at Asset International had these tips:
(1) Consider making the investment for a career coach. They can offer a very targeted and specific form of instruction for both job hunting as well as career management.
(2) Be a shameless “networker.”

Michelle Madhok, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of SheFinds Media had this advice:
(1) Feel the fear and do it anyway. Why? If it wasn’t hard, everybody would be doing it.
(2) If you don’t know what to do, do something. Persist in making little improvements on what you already know how to do. For instance, you probably know how to use a computer. But, do you know how to use social-media sites? Are you familiar with CMS? The technical jargon of today should always be in your back pocket.

Pamela Mitchell, Founder and CEO of The Reinvention Institute added these tips:
(1) Progress begins when you stop making excuses. No more “It’s not my job,” “I don’t know” or “No one told me what to do.”
(2) Get real comfortable with being uncomfortable. Brains gravitate towards comfort zones, but that often hinders progress.