J.K. Rowling Reveals the Origins of Harry Potter’s Family

By Dianna Dilworth 

Author J.K. Rowling continues to shed new light on Harry Potter.

In a new post on Pottermore.com, Rowling has revealed that the origins of wizarding in the Potter family date all the way back to the 12th century.

Check it out:

In the Muggle world ‘Potter’ is an occupational surname, meaning a man who creates pottery. The wizarding family of Potters descends from the twelfth-century wizard Linfred of Stinchcombe, a locally well-beloved and eccentric man, whose nickname, ‘the Potterer’, became corrupted in time to ‘Potter’. Linfred was a vague and absent-minded fellow whose Muggle neighbours often called upon his medicinal services. None of them realised that Linfred’s wonderful cures for pox and ague were magical; they all thought him a harmless and lovable old chap, pottering about in his garden with all his funny plants.

Pottermore.com has also been completely redesigned and now includes news, features articles and commentary.