J.A. Konrath Signs with Amazon Encore

By David 

newbie cover.jpgJ.A. Konrath, who writes the Jacqueline Daniels thriller series, has signed with Amazon.com’s new publishing imprint, AmazonEncore. He’ll release his new book, Shaken, on Kindle in October and in stores in February 2011. Click here to read an interview about the deal.

Konrath spoke to GalleyCat last month about how he came to make a living wage self-publishing his novels as eBooks. He’s made a name for himself using Amazon’s Digital Text Platform to publish more than a dozen books, and he’s not shy about the success he’s had: “When a single author uploading his own books to Amazon can earn more money than a large NY publisher exploiting both print and e-rights, there’s something amiss.”

Now, Konrath has formalized his connection to Amazon with a contract that will, according to Amazon’s press release, introduce his books “to readers through marketing and distribution into multiple channels and formats, such as the Amazon Books Store, Amazon Kindle Store, www.Audible.com, and national and independent bookstores via third-party wholesalers.”

On a Q&A on his blog, Konrath revels in the new deal: “As far as I know, I’m the first ‘name’ author to have a new, original work published [with AmazonEncore]. Several other ebook writers who have self-pubbed on Kindle are going to be released through AmazonEncore over the next year, but I thought it would make a bigger splash to write a book specifically for Amazon. I like making splashes.”