J.A. Konrath on His AmazonEncore Deal

By Jeff Rivera 

Amazon Kindle bestselling author, J.A. Konrath just signed an exclusive deal with AmazonEncore for his latest book. We had the opportunity ask him about the new deal and what he had to say about rejections from legacy publishers, why his agent Jane Dystel was instrumental in the deal and his booksellers’ support of his Jack Daniels series.

Congrats on your Amazon deal. Did you try to pitch the book to publishers?

My agents, Jane Dystel & Miriam Goderich, tried valiantly to sell the newest Jack Daniels series after I left Hyperion, my original publisher. No one was interested in picking up a midlist series, even though I have a decent fanbase and respectable numbers. AmazonEncore approached me about one of my self-pubbed novels, and I pitched them a brand new novel instead. I’ve gotten hundreds of emails from fans waiting for the seventh book in the series, so I’m thrilled by this opportunity.

Did you have an agent negotiate your deal or did you do it yourself?

My agents were involved from the very beginning. They went the extra mile to make this a very favorable contract for everyone involved.

Will Amazon Encore’s version also be in brick-and-mortar stores as well?

If the stores order copies, yes. We’ll see how the Amazon sales department does. I know for sure many of my bookseller friends will get copies into their stores. But I have no idea if the book will actually be stocked in any of the chains or indies. I’m not really concerned. I believe this is going to sell well regardless. The fans who are waiting for it will be able to find it, in both ebook and print versions.

Why does it take so long for Amazon to release the print version?

It’s easier to release an ebook than a print book. Dead tree books require printing, shipping, warehousing, pre-orders from bookstores, etc. Personally, I think it’s pretty cool to have reverse windowing. Print publishers have been fighting to delay ebook releases until after the print releases, and turnabout is fair play.

I’m also excited that Amazon is savvy enough to understand their Kindle customers. I’ve been saying for years that readers want inexpensive ebooks. Shaken is currently available as a pre-order on Kindle for $2.99.

Will you be publishing any more books through Amazon?

There is a strong possibility I will. We’re on the precipice of a revolution in the publishing industry. And there will be a clear-cut winner in this revolution. The winner will be the group that deserves it the most: the readers. Together, Amazon and I are giving readers what they want–inexpensive, professional ebooks.

It’s terrific to have a publisher who shares my vision of the future.