It’s a new spin on the Vatican Rag

By Carmen 

The logline at Publishers Marketplace sure makes this particular deal sound intriguing:

Juan Gómez Jurado’s forthcoming Spanish novel GOD’S SPY, in which a couple of Cardinals are found brutally murdered just before the election of the new Pope, and the Vatican police realize they have a probable serial killer on their hands, enlisting a Roman inspector and a priest who is a former US Army intelligence officer to investigate — as they wonder if the Vatican is helping, or sacrificing them as pawns in an even more deadly game, to Dutton, in a good deal, by Thomas Colchie at The Colchie Agency, on behalf of the Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency (NA).

GOD’S SPY (or ESPIA DE DIOS) is slated for a February release in Spain, and the author’s already concocted a soon-to-be-spiffy website for the high-concept thriller. And — to the surprise of few, I suspect — the 27-year-old author also has a blog (which hasn’t been updated in a while, but it has that UNICEF/Smurf thing so already he’s a winner in my books.)

Interestingly, this fits in pretty well with Dutton, who will be bringing out another imported conspiracy thriller, THE LAST TEMPLAR, in February.