‘Inside Stories’ Project Inspires Incarcerated Individuals to Create Children’s Books

By Maryann Yin 

CreateA United Kingdom-based charity organization called Create has launched a literary-theme initiative called “Inside Stories.” The mission is to introduce professional artists to incarcerated individuals so that they can work on a creative project together.

Once a pair is formed, the teams design and construct a children’s book. The prisoners typically send their finished books to their own offspring. What do you think?

Here’s more from The Huffington Post: “The storybook illustrations chronicle the adventures of princesses, dragons, giant frogs and broom-riding witches, in the brightest of colors and textured materials. If your favorite childhood story was re-imagined by an outsider artist, it would probably look something like this…The initiative is as practically beneficial as it is emotionally. Numerous studies report links between family ties, post-release employment and recidivism.”