Hungarian Site Plagiarizes My Work. I Laugh.

By Ethan 

So, here I am doing my google research on Sebastian Horsley to find out the latest news about him being deported (again), when I came across this Hungarian site. At first I was a little flattered. “Hey, check it out, they reposted my photo.” Then I began reading, and discovered it was a repost of my Pen Cabaret Will Not Give You Brain Inflammation story. Now I’m concerned. There’s no credit. Looking a little closer, I see that a few choice words have been changed. “Dandy” is now “Ladies Man.” The more I read, the more it appeared that my post was rewritten in broken English, that is until I came to this sentence: “it seems that homeland security unwadded their panties into him.” After I finished laughing, I wondered if some sort of Babelfish translation program was in effect. I also wonder, with Horsley’s fabled past, if someone ever “unwadded their panties into him.” I’ll have to read his book and find out.