How to Make an iPad Case with a Book

By Jason Boog 

So you’ve paid lots of money for your shiny new iPad. While you may allow your kitten to play with it, you do want to protect your new eReader–why not use a print book?

In the video embedded above, one creative reader shows you how he made an iPad cover using an old book. As we wrote earlier this year, eReader covers have never been more important. Or expensive. You can spend between $40 and $110 in a single click trying to protect your machine. If you don’t have an iPad, we also found DIY plans for How to Build a Kindle Cover–plans that work for a multitude of other eReaders.

Here’s more from eBookNewser: “Why all this tension between eBooks and print books? Why choose between the two? You don’t have to–just take your favorite slightly-bigger-than-an-iPad-sized print book and cut out an iPad-sized hollow in the pages: suddenly you’ve got an iPad case that gives you the best of both worlds, eReading and that good old-fashioned book feel. Plus, you don’t look like a geek, just a nerd.”