How to Find the Best Literary Twitter Chat

By Jason Boog 

twitter-logo-large.jpgEvery week editors, writers, readers, and publishers engage in sprawling literary discussions on Twitter. All the microbloggers in the audience should join their local Twitter chat.

Highspot created a handy-dandy list of some popular literary Twitter chats to help you find a chat. The list included the following hashtags, follow the links to read posts:#editorchat, #followreader, #kidlitchat, #litchat, #platformchat, and #writechat.

We’re sure GalleyCat readers can remind us of more, add your favorites in the comments. In the meantime, here’s some good advice about following literary chats, from the article: “Use the Twitter search page and enter the chat’s hashtag. This will pull up all the tweets for that chat. Set up a new column in TweetDeck using the chat’s hashtag as a search term. Again, this will pull up all the tweets for that chat. Use an app such as TweetChat.”