Heather Mills and the inevitable book deal

By Carmen 

What happens when a celebrity divorce plays out in public in particularly nasty fashion? Well, aside from the usual attempts to buy people’s silences and make accusations, the quest for book deals, of course. And so the Guardian reports that John Blake, the people behind Jordan‘s million-bestselling biography (the first one, that is) are wooing Heather Mills to tell her side of the story with regards to her increasingly acrimonious split with Paul McCartney.

“From her point of view, it would be the best thing to do; to explain all these disastrous stories,” Blake said. “She is being unfairly treated. It’s not all black and white. The whole world could see what she’s really like.” And whatever money she gets, it doesn’t necessarily matter: “She doesn’t need money; she needs profile.” Of course, no deals have actually been struck, if at all, but it does seem likely, especially if a settlement does eventually take place…