Harvard UP to Sell 1,000 Books on Scribd

By Jason Boog 

logo_contrast2.gifAs the battered university press industry struggles with the recession, Harvard University Press has decided to sell 1,000 digital titles on Scribd.com–using the popular reading site as bookselling platform.

Titles range from the $68 digital version of “General Equilibrium, Overlapping Generations Models, and Optimal Growth Theory” to the 17.95 poetry collection, “Invectives.” The press will post digital content alongside other university presses, including New York University Press and MIT Press.

Scribd CEO Trip Adler had this comment: “Scribd’s goal is to collect all the world’s written information — whether for free or for purchase — in one place and then make those works available to as many people as possible … Harvard University Press has brought to light some of the world’s most thought-provoking ideas in the form of printed books. We’re thrilled to bring this amazing content to a much larger potential community of information seekers.”