Getting Young Men To Read Again

By Jason Boog 

51ev8kewnfl_ss500_.jpgStudies have shown that the majority of young men don’t read. But who do we blame–men or the publishing industry?

Chris Goldberg (a Story Editor at the New York book office of a movie studio) argued in a recent Huffington Post essay that the publishing industry has ignored men for too long. Goldberg blames everybody from marketing departments to timid agents for the shortfall, but ultimately urges publishers to reconsider male readers as they struggle with recession.

What do you think? His essay ends with a macho set of hypothetical questions: “Where are the badass young male writers of today? Would Hunter S. Thompson or Kurt Vonnegut or Brett Easton Ellis or Jay McInerney or Alex Garland or Chuck Palahniuk even get book deals if their debut novels were written today? How can we make reading novels — and writing them — cool again for guys under thirty?”