George R.R. Martin Changes Blog Policy After Game of Thrones Adaptation Teaser Is Released

By Jason Boog 

HBO has released the teaser trailer embedded above for an upcoming adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s bestselling A Game of Thrones.

Release is set for 2011–what do you think about the first product? At his personal blog, Martin instituted a new policy following the release of the trailer.

Here’s an excerpt: “As more and longer trailers appear, their numbers are only going to rise. And when the series actually begins to air in 2011, whole lots of them may find their way here. Therefore, as of today, NO REVEALS WILL BE ALLOWED in any comments here. No, not even to things that happen in book one. A GAME OF THRONES may have been published in 1996, but if you haven’t read it yet, it will be all new to you. I don’t want new readers to have their first experience of the story spoiled by someone’s offhand comment.”