GalleyCat Features Book Publishing Professionals of Color

By Jeff Rivera 

JEFFSMILE1.jpgIn this new column, GalleyCat will feature authors, agents and other book publishing professionals who are at the top of their game and happen to be people of color.

I applaud GalleyCat for giving me the opportunity to feature some of the unsung heroes in the industry who have been quietly making strides and others who are moving and shaking at lightning speed. In these changing times, where America was ready for its first Black American president, I feel honored to be a small part in shining the spotlight on some really amazing people in our industry.

This column will include profiles, interviews, book reviews both written and on video. I’m also thankful for the warm welcome the book publishing industry has given me when they got wind of the column and for sending me some wonderful forthcoming books to review. For more information about this new column, feel free to contact me.

Jeff Rivera is the author of Forever My Lady (Grand Central) and the founder of

GalleyCat will now feature authors, agents and other book publishing professionals who are at the top of their game and happen to be people of color.