French Cashier Bags Bestseller

By Jason Boog 

9781906040291.jpgWriters from all over the world have flocked to Paris, dreaming of literary success. But one bestselling French author turned that writer’s dream upside down–she worked in a grocery store 200 miles away from the literary capital of France for years, writing her future bestseller.

According to Paste Magazine, French blogger and author Anna Sam spent eight years behind the cash register at a grocery store. She blogged about her life, landing a book deal that became a European bestseller. An English translation of her memoir, “Checkout: A Life on the Tills,” came out in the UK this month from Gallic Books.

The article sums up the enterprising cashier’s adventures in this post: “Girl goes to university for literary studies. Girl graduates and gets a temporary job as a cashier, which turns almost permanent. Girl writes a blog about it. Girl gets a book deal, then a movie deal, then a musical deal, then a second published book, all while earning the title of best-selling author.”