Former Doubleday Publisher Steve Rubin Gets A New Job

By Jason Boog 

DD-logo.gifFormer Doubleday Broadway Group publisher Steve Rubin has finally been reassigned to a new post following the massive restructuring at Random House in December: executive vice president and publisher-at-large for the conglomerate. According to the NY Observer, the post was created after months of negotiations–Rubin will serve as a “new business advocate.”

Here’s more about Rubin’s position: “Asked to elaborate on the ‘new-business advocate’ thing, Mr. Applebaum said it was a ‘deliberately expansive description of the flexibility Mr. Rubin will have in identifying and, if warranted, recommending all kinds of book-publishing-centric proposals and entrepreneurial opportunities.'”

In another follow-up on the Random House restructuring, GalleyCat has learned that former Broadway Books editor Becky Cole has found a new home at Penguin Group, joining Plume Books as senior editor.