FishbowlLA: Sexography Memoirist Raises Awareness (and Funds) Online

By Neal 

carlyphoto.jpgFriday afternoon, Mayrav Saar of FishbowlLA posted a Q&A with Carly Milne about her memoir, Sexography, and the response it’s received in the months since publication:

“When you tell someone you’ve written a memoir about your sexual exploits and include that it discusses rape, abuse and assault,” Milne says, “people tend to get a little uncomfortable and assume it’s a really dark tale. Obviously part of it is, but what I’m really focusing on is how it’s a story about survival and finding peace when you don’t think there is any… But I’m finding that after people read it, they really get it. The most amazing thing has been getting e-mails from survivors who say my story isn’t only mirroring theirs, but helping them change their lives.”

Milne is currently working with other bloggers, including Rachel Kramer Bussel, Audacia Ray, and Jessica Cutler, to raise funds for the Rape and Incest National Network and its work providing support to victims of sexual abuse. Throughout April, which is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month, bloggers are encouraged to write posts about any aspect of sexuality they choose to discuss, adding links to the page on RAINN’s website where donations can be made. The writer who inspires the most contributions will receive about $3,500 in merchandise, including books, beauty products, psychic readings, and a gift certificate from Whole Foods.