Federico Garcia Lorca Poem Manuscript Surfaces

By Maryann Yin 

A new manuscript for Federico Garcia Lorca‘s “Oficina y denuncia” (“Office and Denunciation”) has been uncovered. Professor Christopher Maurer discovered the draft in the Library of Congress’ music division.

The Guardian reports: “‘Oficina y denuncia’ captures an important moment in Lorca’s career, as the poet turns away from brief lyrical poetry towards an engagement with broad social issues, and begins to write more openly about his love of men.”

The published version of Lorca’s poem appeared in his collection, Poeta en Nueva York (Poet in New York). Lorca had traveled to New York in 1929 to take an English course at Columbia University and wrote about Great Depresssion-era America. Currently, Maurer is working with Andrew Anderson on a book about Lorca’s time spent in America and Cuba.