FBNY: Harper Editor Moonlights as Soccer Coach

By Neal 

ethan-zohn-FBNY.jpgSo if this whole book publishing thing falls apart, it looks like Harper executive editor David Hirshey might be able to make up the lost income in the sports arena—FishbowlNY editor Noah Davis was in Chinatown yesterday afternoon to watch celebrities playing soccer for charity, and Hirshey (who writes about the sport for ESPN) acted as coach for one of the teams.

The game was organized as a benefit for Grassroot Soccer, a non-profit organization co-founded by Ethan Zohn (right), a former pro soccer player best known in the U.S. as the winner of Survivor: Africa. After that victory, Zohn had approached Hirshey about the possibilities for a book; Hirshey didn’t see it, but the two have stayed in touch over the years.