Facebook “Inventor” Who Queried 800 Agents Opts To Self-Publish

By Glynnis 

aarongreenspan.jpg Confronted with the news that Facebook is reportedly nearing a settlement with three Harvard students who claim to have originated the idea for the site that their Harvard contemporary Mark Zuckerberg later founded, Aaron Greenspan, who also claims to have invented Facebook, has decided to self-publish his book about Harvard, Facebook and our flawed educational system. He’d previously made headlines here and elsewhere for developing an automated system for generating more than 800 personalized agent query letters. Apparently, none of those 800 agents wanted to represent ‘Authoritas.'”I’m happy to send the hard evidence for my case beyond what is already in the book to anyone who would like to see it, so that I can hopefully sell a lot of copies, get the truth out there,and move on,” Greenspan wrote in a mass email today.