Exit Hermione Granger, Pursued by a Hipster

By Jason Boog 

Harry Potter actress Emma Watson starred in a music video for her boyfriend George Craig’s band, One Night Only. It provides a bizarre teen pop counterpoint to the brand new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer.

The music video embedded above has a surprise canine-themed ending, so make sure to watch the whole thing. If you can manage. The video may be your only opportunity to see the Harry Potter love interest pursued by Brooklyn hipsters.

Here’s more from Gawker: “At first it seems like One Night Only made the Brooklyn version of “Come on Eileen,” the diamond-bejeweled uptown girl darting cautiously away from a pack of downtown boys eyeing her lasciviously. But this is Brooklyn, and there are no Too-Rye-Ay’s here, just playful romping and friendly street vendors who throw kebabs at your face, the latter of which is weird until Emma and George see their reflections…”