Ed Wyatt moves to Hollywood

By Carmen 

Publishers Lunch reports that the New York Times’ publishing reporter — who basically gave us most of our Freywatch material because he wouldn’t stop writing about it — is moving to the other coast this summer to take over the Hollywood beat, specifically TV. He’s accompanying his wife, Jennifer Steinhauer, who will be the LA Bureau Chief for the newspaper.

L.A. Observed has the memo: “Ed brings to this new task not just his 11 years of experience here at The Times covering business, education, metro, politics and publishing, but also fond memories of the television he entered the 21st century with, the one with the manually operated channel dial. He has, however, used his publishing contacts to request galleys of Bill Carter’s book, “Desperate Networks,” due out in May, and as anyone involved in the publishing industry can tell you, he is a very quick study.”

So with Wyatt’s exit looming, who takes over his beat? Considering that Rachel Donadio has had precious little to do at the Book Review, moving to the daily seems like a natural fit (since she was the NY Observer’s publishing reporter after Sara Nelson and before Sheelah Kolhatkar.) But maybe the paper has someone else in mind…