E-Book Revenues Increase Among U.K. Publishers

By Dianna Dilworth 

ukpaOverall book sales in the U.K. saw a two percent drop in 2014, according to new sales figures released by The U.K. Publishers Association. The report revealed that overall book sales and academic journal sales combined remained even bringing in £4.3 billion.

Digital revenues reflected 35 percent of the overall total. Digital children’s book sales were up 36 percent during the year, and the category now represents 11 percent of overall digital sales.  Digital academic textbooks were up 17 percent for the year, now accounting for 24 percent of digital. Audiobook downloads were up 24 percent and digital educational materials for schools were up 20 percent.

“It is great to see digital growth continuing and developing in more sectors of publishing,” stated Richard Mollet, chief executive of the Publishers Association. “The rise in children’s digital sales, while perhaps unsurprising given 71% of households now own a tablet, is testament to the innovation taking place in children’s publishing and the engaging content being produced.”

The latest report also revealed that export sales now account for 44 percent of publisher revenues.