Dorchester Publishing Cuts Leah Hultenschmidt & Don D’Auria

By Jason Boog 


Last night novelist Brian Keene wrote that mass market press Dorchester Publishing had cut editorial director Leah Hultenschmidt and editor Don D’Auria. Blogger and reviewer Jane Litte confirmed the news.

Keene left a touching tribute his old editor at the horror imprint, Leisure: “authors have often asked me why I stayed with Leisure as long as I did. The answer is Don. We had a great working relationship, and I’d write for him again, no matter where he lands or what he’s editing. If Don D’Auria called me and said, ‘Hey, I just got on at St. Martin’s and I’m editing a line of NASCAR romance novels’ you’d see me write a NASCAR romance novel so fast it would make your head spin.”

Last week we talked about Dorchester’s future on The Takeaway.