DisneyWar, Redux

By Kathryn 

Covering the same ground as Slate, the NY Times wonders if DisneyWar “[signals] a return of a longtime industry staple: the best-selling business narrative.” Meanwhile, New York‘s Intelligencer column reports on Eisner’s too-little-too-late attempt at saving face:

A source close to the author says Eisner spent January 26, 27, and 28 on the phone, muscling Stewart to make extensive changes. He acquiesced to some, but by that Friday, the day final changes were due, Eisner wouldn’t let up. “It started in the mid-afternoon and went until almost ten,” the source says. As it happens, much of what Eisner was denying came straight from his own autobiography. Among Eisner’s other quibbles: an anecdote where he allegedly raised his voice at then-ABC honchos Susan Lyne and Lloyd Braun during a discussion of the future of Eight Simple Rules after John Ritter’s death (Eisner wanted the TV wife to become pregnant, which they felt raised taste issues).

(Note to self: get Vogue on the phone, confirm dead men’s fake babies = tacky.)