Publishing App Expo on eBookNewser

By Dianna Dilworth 

App developers may be getting over Apple’s controversial in-app selling rules, that gives Apple 30% royalty on any content sold within apps.

In a panel at the mediabistro Publishing App Expo today, Jenny Lam, co-founder of Jackson Fish Market, a startup that designs children’s eBooks, said that she was scared when Apple first announced the news.

eBookNewser has more: “We thought that that cut would drain us of all of our profit, but actually the App Store as a marketplace is almost our number one source of visitors, so now we realize it is just a marketing cost.”

In the App Building 101 panel, Jordan Stolper, CEO/co-founder of StoryDesk, advised publishers designing apps not to get carried away with flashy features before having a solid navigation plan. eBookNewser has more: ” ‘Before you start coding, before you start deciding all of the cool stuff that you can do, make sure you build your road map,’ said Stolper.”