Dateline BEA: last gasp of links

By Carmen 

Business Week attended former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina’s lecture Thursday afternoon and reports back on what she said. Me, I’m still amazed she can be held up as an example of good management when…ah, sorry, leftover doctom bias acting up again.

The Seattle Times’ Michael Upchurch offers his own general take of the convention, appropriately titled “Cover to Cover.”

Not only was the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Bob Hoover blogging BEA, evidently he attended my “Syndicating Litblog Book Reviews” panel where I held him up as an example of someone who saw the light on the medium. Who knew?

Kassia Kroszer of Booksquare explains why it may not be the best idea for an author to attend BEA if he or she doesn’t really have to.

Crime fiction critic David Montgomery – who was on the “State of the Thriller” panel Friday afternoon – details his experiences at BEA.

Want photos? Then you have to check out Mary Reagan’s NYC Photo site, stuffed with pictures from BEA in all permutations and combinations.

And finally, Clair Lamb details what may possibly be the worst book-related story I’ve heard in quite some time. Never trust an autograph you haven’t seen, indeed….