Darth Vader to Narrate GPS; Which Authors Should Follow Suit?

By Jason Boog 

Teaming up with Lucasfilm Ltd. and VoiceSkins.com, the GPS navigation company TomTom will now add official Star Wars voices to navigation devices–a surreal addition to the driving experience.

In the video above, you can see Darth Vader recording his passages. As this brilliant use of technology evolves, we hope to someday see famous novelists narrating GPS as well–a natural extension of the audiobook. Which famous writer would you like to narrate your GPS journey? Add your thoughts in the comments section.

Here’s more from the announcement: “Launching today with Sith Lord Darth Vader, the line-up will continue to expand throughout summer 2010–with C-3PO arriving in June and Yoda in July. The cast will be complete with Han Solo in August … Darth Vader’s menacing voice and signature breathing add a thrilling dimension to TomTom GPS voice commands. Incorporating dialogue inspired by the original films, Darth Vader delivers navigation instructions such as: ‘Bear left, to the dark side. Then in 200 yards you have reached your destination. The Force is with you, but you are not a Jedi yet.'”