Darren Aronofsky Will Direct Next Wolverine Adaptation: ‘The Wolverine’

By Jason Boog 

2260280-37336-20100831.jpgBack in August, we noted that arthouse director Darren Aronofsky could direct a sequel to Wolverine. In a recent interview, the director confirmed he will direct the comic book adaptation and shared the title of the upcoming film.

Motion Capture had the scoop: “The film that he’s directing is officially called ‘The Wolverine,’ and there won’t be a number attached to it. In our interview, he referred to the movie as a ‘one-off,’ and he emphasized that the film isn’t a sequel in any conventional sense.”

The upcoming film is one of the most anticipated and worrisome comic book adaptations in recent memory. But we are excited to see what Aronofsky (who directed The Wrestler and the adaptation Requiem for a Dream) will do with the comic book franchise. (Via io9)