Dark Horse Comics to Publish Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea Graphic Novel in 2017

By Maryann Yin 

Hellboy Silent Comic (GalleyCat)Mike Mignola, Gary Gianni, and Dave Stewart have signed on to collaborate on a new original graphic novel Entitled Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea. Dark Horse Comics will release this book in 2017.

Here’s more from the press release: “Following the events of the classic story The Island, Hellboy sets sail from the wreckage of a deserted island only to cross paths with a ghost ship. Taken captive by the phantom crew that plans to sell him to the circus, Hellboy is dragged along by a captain who will stop at nothing in pursuit of a powerful sea creature.”

This project will be the third original graphic novel starring Hellboy. The first two include Hellboy: House of the Living Dead (2011) and Hellboy: The Midnight Circus (2013). Mignola and Gianni will work together on writing the story. Gianni will create the illustrations. Stewart will tackle the coloring.