Dance with the Enemy & Stone’s Ghost: Coming Attractions

By Maryann Yin 

1d36dfccfdcb0cb0e0c32c9e03648dd02fba8dadHere are some handpicked titles from our Coming Attractions page. Want to include your book? Just read our Share Your New Book with GalleyCat Readers post for all the details.

Bread by Stephen Brown: “A man obsessed with Scotland, a Shamanic Detective and a monk displaced through time must all try to stop a madman from taking over the world. Chasing from London to Africa, Texas to Canada, can our heroes stop him in time to prevent a global financial meltdown?” (June 2013)

Dance with the Enemy by Linda Boulanger: “The time has come for Elenya to meet the man she’s belonged to since she was three, the man whose blood flows through her veins. In the midst of the maidens, the King’s warriors are released; each forced to find the woman chosen for him through her scent, resulting in a half-mad frenzy that heightens already aroused animalistic needs. Elenya is terrified, especially when she realizes what the warrior searching for her does not – that she’s been marked with the blood of her family’s enemy.” (June 2013)

Stone’s Ghost by Melissa Bowersock: “Matthew Stone doesn’t believe in ghosts … until he meets one. He owns a successful business in Lake Havasu, Arizona, home to the famed London Bridge that was brought over stone by stone and rebuilt over the Colorado River. He has a gorgeous girlfriend, a doting mother, and more money than he needs, but no time for stories about the ghosts who were transplanted from England with the famed bridge.” (July 2013)