Dan Brown Breaks UK Paperback Records

By Maryann Yin 

db222.jpgThe Bookseller reports that Dan Brown’s conclusion to the Robert Langdon Trilogy, The Lost Symbol sold 118,230 copies in the span of a mere three days.

In the wake of its hardcover publication back in September 2009, one GalleyCat editor wondered if this was Brown’s magnum opus. If one were to judge by a pure numbers game, “yes” would be a fair answer. An average of 27 copies per minute were sold in that record breaking week.

According to the original article: “No other author has ever achieved a six-figure sale from a paperback novel in a single Sunday-to-Saturday week, although two authors have come very close: John Grisham’s The Broker (Arrow) sold 99,146 copies in seven days in December 2005 while, earlier this year, Stieg Larsson’s The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (Quercus) sold 98,167 copies in its first three days upon release.”