Copper Canyon Press to Publish the English Edition of a New Pablo Neruda Collection

By Maryann Yin 

Poet Pablo Neruda (GalleyCat)Copper Canyon Press will publish the English edition of a new poetry collection by Nobel Prize-winning writer Pablo Neruda. The Pablo Neruda Foundation announced the discovery of these 20 previously unknown pieces earlier this year.

According to the press release, the publication date for Then Come Back: The Lost Neruda has been set for April 2016. Forrest Gander has been hired to serve as the translator.

Here’s more from The New York Times: “They were published by Neruda’s Spanish publisher, Seix Barral, but have not yet been released in English. The earliest poem in the collection dates to 1956, and several are love poems, a form Neruda was famous for.” Follow this link to listen to a reading of Neruda’s poem, “If You Forget Me.” (via Library Journal)