Conservative Publication Spikes Libertarian Book Review

By Neal 

mccardle-bigcon-cover.jpgAtlantic blogger Megan McArdle, who first rose to fame outlining her libertarian point-of-view under the pseudonym “Jane Galt,” reports that she recently took a freelance assignment from a major conservative publication, and even though her article was filled with “vast displeasure with the (liberal) economic notions of the book I was reviewing,” the literary editor came back to her hours after accepting the piece and said “it couldn’t be published because it violated their editorial line on taxation.”

Commentators figured out pretty quickly that the book in question was most likely New Republic senior editor Jonathan Chait‘s The Big Con, a counter-offensive against the return of supply-side economics, which she critiqued throughout September on her blog. But which publication commissioned, then spiked her review? She’s not telling, but her readers are pretty sure it’s not National Review, where senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru recently blogged his own critique of the Laffer Curve. So who does that leave? Much of the speculation centers around newspapers located at the southernmost regions of downtown Manhattan…