Comic Book Fans Face Off Against Westboro Baptist Church

By Jason Boog 

At San Diego Comic-Con yesterday, the Westboro Baptist Church showed up to protest against gay rights and liberal politics with some hateful signs. As you can see by the video embedded above, this intolerance met with some superhero-sized resistance.

Comics Alliance was there, shooting the festivities as dedicated comic book fans held up comical signs, dressed up in comic book garb, and encouraged tolerance. Follow this link for pictures.

Check it out: “They’ve faced down humans time and time again, but Fred Phelps and his minions from the Westboro Baptist Church were not ready for the cosplay action that awaited them today at Comic-Con. After all, who can win against a counter protest that includes robots, magical anime girls, Trekkies, Jedi and…kittens?” (Via Ron Hogan)