Christopher Hitchens Scraps Philosophy Book

By Jason Boog 

Penguin will pulp and then reprint a collection of philosophy essays by John Gray after Christopher Hitchens disputed a key line in the introduction.

According to the Guardian, Hitchens convinced the publisher to reprint the book because Gray’s introduction stated that the political writer “defended” the practice of waterboarding. Hitchens was subjected to the practice while researching a Vanity Fair essay entitled simply “Believe Me, It’s Torture.” The reprinted book, “Gray’s Anatomy,” will be released in April.

Below is the graphic, infamous video of Hitchens’ waterboarding experience. Here’s more about the pulping: “‘John made a mistake, Christopher picked it up, we fixed it and John is embarrassed he made a wrong assumption and I am embarrassed not to have picked it up,’ said the book’s editor Simon Winder.” Via Mike Cane via Bookoven)