Charles McGrath’s Grand Old Men of Literature

By Neal 

Halfway through this morning’s NYT profile of Philip Roth, it dawned on me that Charles McGrath was slipping into awfully familiar territory—and I wasn’t because I suddenly remembered that old Magazine piece on “the gray American novel,” either). Then it clicked: Just last week, McGrath turned in a puff piece on Gay Talese (“makes Tom Wolfe look like someone who collects Mark Twain outfits from a thrift shop”); before that, it was Alan Bennett’s turn.

One wouldn’t necessarily suggest McGrath is stuck in a rut, since he seems to be having a lot of fun reviewing documentary television for the Times on a semi-regular basis. But this sort of cluster is hard not to notice, especially when one recalls McGrath’s ambivalence towards younger contemporary writers…If you’re out there, Chip, can we put in a good word for Louis Auchincloss for next week? Because The Young Apollo is awfully good!