Book Covers Uncovered

By Jason Boog 

9780670021147L.jpgThe NY Observer initiated a literary blog conversation over the future of book jackets this week, highlighting fall books that lack these customary covers, like “Bicycle Diaries” by David Byrne.

Today on the Morning Media Menu, GalleyCat editor Jason Boog and AgencySpy editor Matt Van Hoven discussed the future of the book jacket in the age of digital books. What do you think–can the glossy slipcover last in the 21st Century?

Here’s more, from the article: “[E]ven though they’re hardcovers, their cover art is not printed on dust jackets but instead stamped directly onto the boards that hug their pages. The result is a handsome, eye-catching look that reflects a heightened awareness on the part of publishers that books these days cannot be counted on to simply sell themselves.”