Book Coverage Dying? The Funny Pages Will Save Us!

By Neal 

judge-parker-redbook.jpgFirst Judge Parker kicks off a storyline about negotiating a book advance, and now the comic strip is strengthening its ties to the publishing community by explicitly plugging books—namely The Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf by “the late, great” Harvey Penick. (It’s not an exact likeness, but it’s awfully close.) My immediate reaction was to wonder if Simon & Schuster is going to notice a sales bump (gotta remember to call Nielsen BookScan next week and look into that), and then I started looking forward to the prospect of several days of Sam Driver reading choice excerpts during his plane ride. Maybe he’ll even quote from it on the golf course!

In a related story, first serial rights to Venus Williams‘s forthcoming book on the inspiration of coaches have been sold to Tank McNamara.