Book Babes Advise First Lady Laura Bush

By Jason Boog 

20081105_p110508jb-0074-384h.jpgThe Book Babes gave Laura Bush some memoir pointers today, helping the First Lady meet the challenge of her proposed memoir.

Margo Hammond and Ellen Heltzel wrote Bush a letter via a HuffPo essay. These two authors and radio hosts pondered Bush’s anticipated $8 million advance, suggested some basic writing tips, and finally, urged her to seek the help of a political book guru:

“First guest in the Lincoln Bedroom: Washington’s elite bookmaker, Robert Barnett, who has forged seven-figure book deals for more members of the political and media Mafia than you can count on both hands. In exchange for a hefty hourly fee, Barnett helps authors to use their celebrity firepower for leverage and avoid an agent who takes 15 per cent.”