Blind Item Author Tries to Steal His Own Book

By Jason Boog 

bolderbookstrore.jpgA NY Times article about literary shoplifting has sparked some holiday weekday speculation in the blogosphere as readers around the country asked–Who tried to steal a copy of his own book?

Gawker readers, Daily Camera readers, and Publishers Marketplace readers have all taken a shot at identifying the author in this excerpt: “At Boulder Book Store in Boulder, Colo., one writer was even busted stealing his own books. Christopher Ohman, who was a manager at the time, said: ‘I think he felt somewhat entitled to the copies.'”

Enjoy that lovely picture of Boulder Book Store and ponder the question for yourself. We imagine that GalleyCat readers may have a few guesses as well. It’s a sad, compelling mystery: Who tried to steal a copy of his own book?