Barnes & Noble Digital Reader for the Holidays?

By Jason Boog 

barnes-noble-logo1.jpgAccording to the Wall Street Journal, Barnes & Noble will launch their own digital reader soon–possibly in time for the holiday season.

Representatives at the bookseller had no comment on the matter, but predicted “a six-inch screen from digital-paper maker E-Ink Corp. with touch input and a virtual keyboard.” Mashable has other thoughts on the device, predicting a color screen. As we reported in July, the bookseller has launched a large digital bookstore and a partnership with the digital reader designers, Plastic Logic.

Here’s more from the article (subscription only): “The debut of a Barnes & Noble branded device sets the stage for fierce competition among makers of e-readers this holiday shopping season. Barnes & Noble, the largest book retailer in the U.S., could leverage its retail presence to market the product in ways that online-only retailer Inc. can’t do as easily.”