Avast! Talk Like A Pirate Day Be Upon Us Again Already?

By Neal 

fastships-blacksails.jpgAye, readers, tomorrow be the 13th annual celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day; did ye forget?

OK, that’s quite enough of that schtick… Anyway, longtime GalleyCat readers may recall our appreciation for the quirky anthologies of fantastic literature that Ann and Jeff VanderMeer have been editing for Tachyon, like The New Weird, so it should come as no surprise that we’re excited to have gotten an advance PDF of their new Night Shade Books collection, Fast Ships, Black Sails, a batch of piratical science fiction and fantasy that technically isn’t publishing for another three months (missed the marketing boat there, guys—to the plank with ye!). Contributors include major genre stars like Naomi Novik, Michael Moorcock, Howard Waldrop, and the writing team of Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette, among others.