AvantGuild: A Savant’s Peek Behind the Curtain

By Neal 

laurie-mclean-headshot.jpgIn this week’s installment of mediabistro.com’s “Pitching an Agent” series, we meet the agents of Larsen Pomada, founded by the husband-and-wife team of Michael Larsen and his wife Elizabeth Pomada in 1972. They took on Laurie McLean (right) as a partner thirty years later. In a recent post at her blog, Agent Savant, McLean commented on the recently reported boom in sales of romance fiction—noting that part of the gain might come from the addition of the Kroger’s supermarket chain to Neilsen Bookscan’s data pool, and that those gains might be offset in 2009 if Borders is forced to close any more of its stores… and she isn’t just referring to the primary brand. “Waldenbooks is a major retailer for romance (as well as other genre fiction),” McLean observed, “and continued store closings at the mall-based chain could have a disproportionate impact on the romance market.”

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